
Showing posts from January, 2018

Hundredth Monkey Revisited

I have always wanted to start a blog to write about, process, and share my thoughts.  It has taken me a while to actually act on it because writing doesn’t always come easy for me.  I have to be deeply inspired, and the timing has to be right.  Recently, I found events I wanted to dig into so I could understand what my feelings about them were trying to teach me, and what I could learn from it.  I hope to draw readers who feel the same, but if not writing alone is therapeutic enough. For those of you who don’t play Second Life (SL) and breed KittyCatS, here is a little background for the motivation of this first blog entry.  Second life is a virtual reality game where the players are given the tools to create. Most everything in SL is player created.  An ingenious player/players came up with a product called KittyCats.  KittyCats are what they call breedables in SL. They are creatively animated, grow up, and can be bred to have kittens. These cats are bred for traits.  New traits